Sunday, January 27, 2013

Don't Swerve

I Timothy 1:5-6 "Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;"

To swerve is to change course. Some swerves are gradual, others are sharp and drastic. Swerving may be considered good when it is temporary, for avoiding danger, or when it is necessary to get back on the desired path. But in nearly every other case, swerving is dangerous.

There are many things that could cause one to swerve such as... Distractions, desires, difficulties and lets not forget the Devil! This old world offers many opportunities for the people of God to swerve and lose sight of the narrow way. We often swerve from God's Word which will ultimately leads us away from God's work and then away from His will for our lives. In order to be a faithful to our Lord we must stay the course and trust His perfect Word.

Fathers and husbands... we must not swerve if we are to be the spiritual leaders for our families, dear wives and mothers... lf there is to be any joy in your homes then you must not swerve! Preachers, teachers and all other who are redeemed by the blood of Christ; if we are to be a witness to this dark dreadful world we must not swerve! May our Father find us consistent and content as we follow Him in this life. May the prayer of our hearts as the children of God be like that of Psalm 25:4... "Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths."

God bless you all as you follow the narrow way. And just as the old seamen depended on the lighthouses for direction on the most foggy and ready nights on the sea; so let it be that we seek the one Lighthouse that we may be aware of any dangers that lay ahead in this often foggy and dreary world.


  1. Amen,
    the world, the flesh, and the devil. All take our eyes off of the goal, off of His kingdom, when we take our eyes off of Him.

  2. Hello there brother. Just wanted to drop you a quick line and say hello. I have added a link to your site on ours. You can check it out at:

    Peace and blessings in Christ,

    Jeremy Strang
